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English For Specific Purposes (ESP)

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Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

Polite Requests - one

Asking to do things – asking for permission
There are many different ways of making polite requests in English. If you don't want to sound rude when speaking English, then you need to know how to make a request in a polite way.Requests in English are usually made in the form of questions
Asking Saying Yes Saying No
Can I...? Yes, sure Well, I'm afraid...+ reason
Could I...?
Could I possibly...?
Is it all right if I...?
Do you think I could...?
Yes, of course.
Yes, that's fine.
Well, the problem is...
Do you mind if I...? No, not at all.
No, of course not.
Sorry, but...

Asking others to do things – making requests

Asking Saying Yes Saying No
Can you...? Yes, sure. Well, I'm afraid + reason
Could you...?
Is it all right if you...?
Do you think you could...?
Will you...?
Would you...?
Yes, of course.
Well, the problem is
Sorry, but...
Do you mind -ing...?
Would you mind -ing...?
No, not at all.
Of course not.
Use 'Would you mind if I...? Could I possibly...? Could you possibly...? Do you think you could...? to sound more polite.
Remember that 'Do you mind...?' and 'Would you mind...?' mean 'Is it a problem for you?' so the polite answer when we 'say yes' is 'No'.

Kalimat Pasif : Simple Present Tense

Apa kabar pembaca bahasa Inggris online? Saya yakin kalian semua dalam keadaan sehat selalu. Karena banyak pembaca Bahasa Inggris Online yang meminta saya untuk menjelaskan mengenai kalimat pasif atau passive voice, maka pada materi kali ini saya akan membahasnya.

Definisi Kalimat Pasif
Kalimat Pasif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai pekerjaan atau dikenai perbuatan.

Ciri-ciri :
1. Subjeknya sebagai penderita.
2. Arti dari kata kerjanya berawalan di-, ter-, atau ,ter-kan.
3. Kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris selalu memakai kata kerja bentuk ke-3/past participle.
Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan contoh di bawah ini:
Aktif     : Siti Zuleha reads a biology book. (Siti Juleha membaca sebuah buku biologi)
Pasif     : A biology book is read by Siti Zuleha. (Sebuah buku biologi dibaca oleh Siti Zuleha)
Aktif     : Rita writes a story. (Rita  menulis sebuah cerita.)
Pasif     : A story is written by Rita (Sebuah cerita ditulis oleh Rita.)
Dari contoh-contoh di atas, kita bisa melihat perubahan dari kalimat aktif ke pasif. Pada kalimat aktif, si subjek yang melakukan pekerjaan atau perbuatan, sedangkan pada kalimat pasif si subjek yang dikenai pekerjaan atau perbuatan.
Sebenarnya pada kalimat pasif yang ditekankan adalah pekerjaannya atau perbuatannya/verbnya, dan tidak terlalu penting siapa atau apa yang melakukan perkejaan itu. Oleh karena itu kita tidak harus selalu memakai kata “by…/oleh…” dalam kalimat pasif.
My car was stolen. (Mobil saya dicuri.)
Pada contoh di atas, tidak terdapat  kata “by…” dan kalimat pasif tersebut juga benar.
Passive Voice:  Simple Present Tense
Kalimat pasif dalam simple present tense tidaklah terlalu sulit. Jika kita ingin membuat kalimat pasif dalam simple present tense, kita memerlukan is, am, are. Berikut ini rumus untuk membuat kalimat pasif dalam simple present tense:
Positif               : Subjek + is/am/are + past participle/V3
Negatif             : Subjek + is/am/are + Not + Past Participle
Pertanyaan       : is/am/are + Subjek + Past Participle
Aktif     : They borrow the book.
               They don't borrow the book.
               Do they borrow the book?
Pasif     : The book is borrowed by them.
              The book is not borrowed by them.
              Is the book borrowed by them?
Aktif     : She repairs this blue car.
              She does not repair this blue car.
              Does she repair this blue car?
Pasif     : This blue car is repaired by her.
              This blue car is not repaired by her.
              Is the blue car  repaired by her?
Perhatikan kata-kata yang saya cetak tebal pada contoh-contoh di atas! Kata yang saya cetak tebal pada kalimat aktif tersebut adalah  subjek pronoun. Jika anda ingin merubah menjadi kalimat pasif dan anda ingin memasukan “by…” maka gantinlah menjadi object pronoun.
Semoga penjelasan ini bisa dipahami dan bermamfaat untuk kita semua. Amin.
Sekarang kerjakan latihan soal  di bawah ini dan untuk mengetahui jawabannya bisa klik "answer key" yang ada di bagian bawah. Selamat belajar.

Latihan I
The document/print
Jawab: The document is printed.
  1. The window / open
  2. My car / wash
  3. The book / not /  read
  4. The juice / not / drink
  5. The food / not/ eat
  6. The TV / watch / ?
  7. The tofu / fry / ?
 Latihan II
Rubahlah kalimat-kalimat aktif di bawah ini menjadi kalimat pasif
  1. Toni sings the song.
  2. They eat the food.
  3. Siti Zuleha washes the dishes every day.
  4. I buy a new pen.
  5. John studies English every day.
  6. I draw a picture.
  7. She does not write the story.
  8. Does your mother cook the food?
  9. Do they sing the song?
  10. He doesn’t help us.
Answer Key:
Latihan I 1. The window is opened. 2. My car is washed. 3. The book is not read. 4. The juice is not drunk. 5. The food is not eaten. 6. Is the TV watched? 7. Is the tofu fried? Latihan II 1. The song is sung by Toni. 2. The food is eaten by them. 3. The dishes are washed by Siti Zuleha every day. 4. A new pen is bought by me. 5. English is studied by John every day. 6. A picture is drawn by me. 7. The story is not written by her. 8. Is the food cooked by your mother? 9. Is the song sung by them? 10. We are not helped by him.

reading text - the silver elephant

From the first time he saw her in the office where they both worked, Eric Warren liked Janet West. Eric rarely went out with giris from his office, but Janet was different. She was not only pretty, but extremely interesting to talk to. They had lunch together severaí times and Eric was pleased to learn that Janet liked the same things he did. Before very long, they were having dinner together, and going to the movies and to the theater. After a few months Eric knew he wanted Janet to be his wife, but he wasn't sure how she felt about him. There was another man in their office, George Perkins, who went out with Janet once in a while. Eric hoped in time he, not George, would be Janet 's choice as her husband.

Eric wanted a very
unusual gift for Janet's birthday. He walked into a department store not knowing what to get for her. After going from one part of the store to another, he finally came to the jewelry department. At first, he didn't see anything he liked here either, and he was about to leave when he saw a little silver pin ín the shape of an elephant. Eric knew immediately that the pin was exactly what he wanted for Janet.

"May I see that?" Eric asked í
he salesman.
"The little sílver elephant?" the salesman asked.
"Yes, that's the one. It's just what I've been looking for."
"You've made a
good choice. This piece of jewelry is very unusual. It was made in Mexico by a man who is well-known for his fine work in silver. There are only a few others like it. Would you like me to put it in a box? This small square box looks about the right size."
"Yes, please put it in a
gift box."
"I'm certain Janet's going to be very
pleased," Eric thought that evening as he got dressed to go to Janet's birthday party. "She likes fine jewelry and this pin is very unusual."

On the way to Janet's house, Eric thought about George Perkins. He knew that Janet's family and a few friends would be at the party. He didn't know if George was one of the "few friends." He was fairly sure George's gift wouldn't be anything as unusual as the silver elephant.

Eric was happy as he walked to Janet's house. When she opened the door he said, "Happy ..." and then stopped talking for a moment before going on," ... birthday, Janet." He just couldn't believe what he saw. There on Janet's green dress was a
little silver elephant pin. It was exactly the same as the one ¡n his gift box. He couldn't give it to her now. He put the little square box away before Janet could see it and went in the house to say hello to Janet's mother and father.

"You're early, Eric, Mrs. West said. "None of the others are here yet. Please sit down. Can I get you something to drink?"
"Not now, thanks, Mrs. West," Eric answered. All he could think about was the little silver elephant. He had to know where Janet had gotten it. Could George Perkins possibly have given it to her? At the office perhaps? Eric didn't want to believe this, but he wasn't the only one who knew Janet liked jewelry. George knew it, too.

Janet's mother was still talking and Eric knew he should be listening to her. He had to forget about the little pin for a moment.

"How are things at the office, Eric?" Mrs. West was saying. l understand you've been very busy during the last few months."
"Fine — just fine— not too busy, no," Eric said.
"That's good," Mrs. West answered. "Would you excuse us for a few minutes? I have to help Janet prepare a few things in the kitchen."
"Oh — yes," Eric was glad to see Mrs. West and Janet leave the room. He really didn't want to talk to anyone — not about the office or about anything else. But Janet's father was still there, and now he was talking.
"Have you seen this evening's newspaper yet, Eric?" Mr. West asked. "There is a good story about..."

Janet's father went on talking, but most of the time Eric wasn't listening. Occasionally he would say, "You're right, Mr. West," or "I think so, too," but he really wasn't sure what Janet's father was talking about. He couldn't forget the elephant pin. Eric was positive he would be the oniy person at the party who wouldn't have a gift for Janet. But he couldn't give her something that she already had. How could he ask Janet to be his wife now? He didn't know what to do.

"What do you think about television?' Mr. West was talking about a different subject now. "Don't you think the programs could be better?"
"You're absolutely right, Mr. West," Eric answered. Janet came back in the room and Eric was glad he didn't have to say any more about television. He started to tell Janet he liked the pin on her dress, thinking that he might learn where it came from. But just at this moment someone came to the door.

"It must be my aunt and uncle," Janet told Eric. "My friend, Marie, who lives next door, will be with us, too."
"Isn't anyone else from the office coming?' Eric asked.
"No," she answered, then went to meet her aunt and uncle at the door.

Now Eric was almost certain the pin was from George. He must have given it to Janet in the office during the day. What should he do? Should he say he had left his gift at home? Should he say he was getting something in New York and would give it to her later in the week?

Marie came in a few minutes later, and everyone sat down to have dinner.

The only good thing Eric could think about was that he was at the family dinner party and George was not.

Finally Janet asked him why he wasn't talking very much.
"I'm too busy eating this very good dinner," he answered. He couldn't think of anything else to say.
"Thank you, Eric," Mrs. West said. l'm very glad you like it. Won't you have some more?"

Eric didn't really want to eat anythíng, but he wasn't able to say no. He wished he could leave and go home, but he couldn't do that, either.

Finally it was time for the birthday cake. "There are twenty-one candles on the cake, Janet," Mrs. West said as she brought the cake in and put it on the dinner table. "Do you think you can blow them all out?"
"Make a wish first," Marie said to Janet. "Wish for something that you want very much before you blow out the candles. If all the candles go out, you will get your wish. If not, then you won't. Let's see if you'll get your wish."
"I wish I had a silver elephant pin," Janet said and she blew out all the candles.
"What?" said Eric. "What did you say?"
"The pin on my dress isn't mine, it's Marie's. She thought it looked good on this dress and she said I could have it for the evening. It's a very unusual piece of jewelry. Marie's mother got it when she was in Mexico last year."

Eric quickly put his little square box with the other gifts. He couldn't wait for Janet to open ¡t.

"It's time lo open your gifts now, Janet," Mrs. West said.
"Yes," said her father. "Let's see if you get your wish."

Janet opened all her gifts. She got a box of writing paper from George. He had given it to her at the office. Her parents gave her a typewriter, her aunt and uncle gave her some phonograph records, and Marie gave her a book.

Then Janet opened ihe little square box. When she saw the pin, she said, "Eric, how could you possibly have known? It's exactly what I want. You've made me very happy. I knew that your gift would be very unusual."

Janet got her wish, and now Eric was sure he would get his wish, too. Tonight he would ask Janet to be his wife.

Alexander Fleming Discovers Penicillin

 Picture of Sir Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin.

In 1928, bacteriologist Alexander Fleming made a chance discovery from an already discarded, contaminated Petri dish. The mold that had contaminated the experiment turned out to contain a powerful antibiotic, penicillin. However, though Fleming was credited with the discovery, it was over a decade before someone else turned penicillin into the miracle drug for the 20th century.
How did this Petri dish almost get cleaned before being noticed? How did the mold get onto the dish? Who transformed penicillin into a useful drug? 

The Chance Discovery
On a September morning in 1928, Alexander Fleming sat at his work bench at St. Mary's Hospital after having just returned from a vacation at The Dhoon (his country house) with his family. Before he had left on vacation, Fleming had piled a number of his Petri dishes to the side of the bench so that Stuart R. Craddock could use his work bench while he was away.
Back from vacation, Fleming was sorting through the long unattended stacks to determine which ones could be salvaged. Many of the dishes had been contaminated. Fleming placed each of these in an ever growing pile in a tray of Lysol.
Much of Fleming's work focused on the search for a "wonder drug." Though the concept of bacteria had been around since Antonie van Leeuwenhoek first described it in 1683, it wasn't until the late nineteenth century that Louis Pasteur confirmed that bacteria caused diseases. However, though they had this knowledge, no one had yet been able to find a chemical that would kill harmful bacteria but also not harm the human body.
In 1922, Fleming made an important discovery, lysozyme. While working with some bacteria, Fleming's nose leaked, dropping some mucus onto the dish. The bacteria disappeared. Fleming had discovered a natural substance found in tears and nasal mucus that helps the body fight germs. Fleming now realized the possibility of finding a substance that could kill bacteria but not adversely affect the human body.
In 1928, while sorting through his pile of dishes, Fleming's former lab assistant, D. Merlin Pryce stopped by to visit with Fleming. Fleming took this opportunity to gripe about the amount of extra work he had to do since Pryce had transferred from his lab. To demonstrate, Fleming rummaged through the large pile of plates he had placed in the Lysol tray and pulled out several that had remained safely above the Lysol. Had there not been so many, each would have been submerged in Lysol, killing the bacteria to make the plates safe to clean and then reuse.
While picking up one particular dish to show Pryce, Fleming noticed something strange about it. While he had been away, a mold had grown on the dish. That in itself was not strange. However, this particular mold seemed to have killed the Staphylococcus aureus that had been growing in the dish. Fleming realized that this mold had potential.

What Was That Mold?
Fleming spent several weeks growing more mold and trying to determine the particular substance in the mold that killed the bacteria. After discussing the mold with mycologist (mold expert) C. J. La Touche who had his office below Fleming's, they determined the mold to be a Penicillium mold. Fleming then called the active antibacterial agent in the mold, penicillin.
But where did the mold come from? Most likely, the mold came from La Touche's room downstairs. La Touche had been collecting a large sampling of molds for John Freeman, who was researching asthma, and it is likely that some floated up to Fleming's lab.
Fleming continued to run numerous experiments to determine the effect of the mold on other harmful bacteria. Surprisingly, the mold killed a large number of them. Fleming then ran further tests and found the mold to be non-toxic.
Could this be the "wonder drug"? To Fleming, it was not. Though he saw its potential, Fleming was not a chemist and thus was unable to isolate the active antibacterial element, penicillin, and could not keep the element active long enough to be used in humans. In 1929, Fleming wrote a paper on his findings, which did not garner any scientific interest. 

Twelve Years Later
In 1940, the second year of World War II, two scientists at Oxford University were researching promising projects in bacteriology that could possibly be enhanced or continued with chemistry. Australian Howard Florey and German refugee Ernst Chain began working with penicillin. Using new chemical techniques, they were able to produce a brown powder that kept its antibacterial power for longer than a few days. They experimented with the powder and found it to be safe.
Needing the new drug immediately for the war front, mass production started quickly. The availability of penicillin during World War II saved many lives that otherwise would have been lost due to bacterial infections in even minor wounds. Penicillin also treated diphtheria, gangrene, pneumonia, syphilis and tuberculosis. 

Though Fleming discovered penicillin, it took Florey and Chain to make it a usable product. Though both Fleming and Florey were knighted in 1944 and all three of them (Fleming, Florey and Chain) were awarded the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Fleming is still credited for discovering penicillin.

Question tags

Question tags are the short questions that we put on the end of sentences – particularly in spoken English. There are lots of different question tags but the rules are not difficult to learn.


If the main part of the sentence is positive, the question tag is negative ….
  • He’s a doctor, isn’t he?
  • You work in a bank, don’t you?
... and if the main part of the sentence is negative, the question tag is positive.
  • You haven’t met him, have you?
  • She isn’t coming, is she?
With auxiliary verbs

The question tag uses the same verb as the main part of the sentence. If this is an auxiliary verb (‘have’, ‘be’) then the question tag is made with the auxiliary verb.
  • They’ve gone away for a few days, haven’t they?
  • They weren’t here, were they?
  • He had met him before, hadn’t he?
  • This isn’t working, is it?
Without auxiliary verbs

If the main part of the sentence doesn’t have an auxiliary verb, the question tag uses an appropriate form of ‘do’.
  • I said that, didn’t I?
  • You don’t recognise me, do you?
  • She eats meat, doesn’t she?
With modal verbs

If there is a modal verb in the main part of the sentence the question tag uses the same modal verb.
  • They couldn’t hear me, could they?
  • You won’t tell anyone, will you?
With ‘I am’

Be careful with question tags with sentences that start ‘I am’. The question tag for ‘I am’ is ‘aren’t I?’
  • I’m the fastest, aren’t I?

Question tags can either be ‘real’ questions where you want to know the answer or simply asking for agreement when we already know the answer.

If the question tag is a real question we use rising intonation. Our tone of voice rises.
If we already know the answer we use falling intonation. Our tone of voice falls.

Menulis Jam dalam bahasa Inggris.

Terkadang kita sulit untuk mengetahui jam dalam bahasa inggris.. nah disini ini akan saya beritahu!!
o’clock: di gunakan untuk Tepat
contoh: 10.00: Ten O’Clock (jam sepuluh tepat)
Past: untuk waktu yg lewat beberap menit
contoh: 10.05: Five minutes Past ten (Jam sepuluh lewat lima menit)
Menit terlebih dahulu yg di sebutkan.. jng jamnya terlebih dahulu!
To: menunjukkan kurang beberapa menit lagi
Contoh: 10.35: twenty five minutes to Eleven (Jam sebelas kurang 25 menit)
A quarter: 15 menit
Contoh: A quarter past ten (jam 10 lewat lima belas) dan A quarter to eleven: (Jam sebelas kurang lima belas menit)
Half: 30 menit
Contoh: 10.30 : Half Past Ten (Jam setengah sebelas) *sangat mudahkan?*
*note: dalam bhs.Inggris Menit diucapkan terlebih dahulu!*
*Tambahan: Am: Untuk pagi, Pm: Untuk malam*
ternyata tak sesulit yang dipikirkan oleh kita kan???
Jika masih ada kekurangan.. silahkan berkomentar dan memberi saran ^^

Senin, 27 Januari 2014


Expression bahasa Inggris - Pernahkah anda mendapatkan ucapan selamat / congratulations dalam bahasa Inggris? Saya yakin waktu ulang tahun saja atau kalo gak pas di sekolah (Ngejek banget nih orang) hehehehe kidding……
Sebelum menginjak materinya, sebaiknya anda perlu tau dulu tentang pengertian dan tujuan dari ucapan selamat atau congratulation ini.
Pengertian Congratulation:
Congratulation atau ucapan selamat adalah ucapan atau ungkapan yang diberikan kepada orang yang sedang mendapatkan atau mengalami sesuatu (mendapat kebahagiaan). Dalan hal ini tidak terbatas pada mendapatkan jabatan, barang baru saja, tetapi juga termasuk saat seseorang sedang merayakan sesuatu. Ex: sedang merayakan hari besar.
Tujuan pembelajaran conversation.

Aneh sekali jika kita melakukan sesuatu tanpa didasari tujuan.Yap, tujuan dari mempelajari ucapan selamat dalam bahasa Inggris ini adalah agar kita dapet memberikan ucapan selamat kepada seseorang dalam berbagai situasi. Masih inget kata pepatah? “barang siapa memanam, pasti akan memetik”. Untuk itu kita harus rajin memberi salam kepada seseorang, karena ini adalah salah satu bentuk dari investasi. As we know tidak hanya orang asing saja yang menggunakan congratulation ini, bahkan orang orang kita pun juga sudah mulai terbiasa dalam memberikan ucapan selamat dalam bahasa Inggris. Dari tadi bertele tele terus ya, kapan mulainya nih?
Oke oke, kita mulai yuk. Here we go!
Contoh ucapan selamat dalam bahasa Inggris (Congratulation):
Happy Ied day!
Selamat hari raya idul fitri!
Merry Christmas!
Selamat hari natal!
Happy new year !
Selamat tahun baru!
Happy feast day !
Selamat hari ramadhan!
Happy anniversary !
Selamat ulang tahun !
Happy birthday!
Selamat ulang tahun !
Have a nice sleep!
Selamat tidur!
Have a nice dream!
Semoga mimpi indah!
Sleep tight!
Selamat tidur lelap!
Have a good trip!
Selamat berbahagia!
Congratulations on passing your exam!
Selamat atas lulusnya ujiann anda!
Congratulations on getting a scholarship!
Selamat mendapat beasiswa!
Congratulations on your engagement!
Selamat bertunangan!
Congratulations on your success!
Selamat atas kesuksesan anda!
Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Selamat atas lahirnya anak anda!
Congratulations on your promotion !
Selamat atas kenaikan pangkat anda!
Congratulations on getting a new job!
Selamat mendapat kerja baru!
Congratulations to you!
Saya ucapkan selamat ke[ada anda!
Congratulations on your getting title
Selamat atas gelar anda!
I convey my congratulations to you!
Saya ucapkan selamat kepada anda!
My heartiest congratulations to you!
Ucapan selamatku yang mendalam untukmu!
Congratulations on your appointment as a main director!
Selamat atas dipilihnya anda menjadi direktur utama!
Saya sangat berharap agar anda tidak membacanya saja, (set and forget). Tapi anda harus benar benar mendalaminya agar sepert apa yang selalu saya bilang, ya “You will be able to speak spontaniously”, berbicara tanpa merangkai rangkai dulu, spontanitas. Anda bisa menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari hari, mulailah dari yang sederhana. Intinya langsung praktek!
Sekian pelajaran kali ini, semoga apa yang saya paparkan mengenai Ucapan selamat dalam bahasa Inggris (Congratuation) bisa bermanfaat buat anda.
Selamat belajar, semoga sukses..
Sumber : http://ega-english.blogspot.com/2012/12/congratulations-ucapan-selamat-dalam.html

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Conversation - How long are you staying?

How long are you staying?

Bill: Hi Robert! What's up?
Robert: I'm going to the U.S. next week.
Bill: Oh, really? I didn't know that. Where are you going?
Robert: I'm going to Tampa.
Bill: Where's that?
Robert: In Florida.
Bill: What are you going to do there?
Robert: I'm going to visit my family. My grandmother lives there.
Bill: That sounds nice. When are you leaving?
Robert: On Saturday March 11th.
Bill: How long are you staying?
Robert: A couple of weeks.